There was a young man who was leaving home and his father was concerned about how he would do in a new place without the family to encourage him. His loving father gave him a Bible with a list of chapters and verses that would be encouraging in various difficult situations.
After only a couple of days the young man called home with car trouble and his dad asked if he had been reading the Bible verses he had been given. The son assured him that he was reading some every day. A few days later a similar call was received. Finally, less than a month after leaving home to make it on his own the boy was begging for help to get back home.
The father sent him a bus ticket to get back home. When the boy was back the father asked him why he had not depended on God's Word. The boy claimed he had, so the father asked him to bring his Bible to the kitchen table. Upon being handed the Bible the father flipped through the pages and money began to fall out on the table. Soon there was a pile of 100, 50, and 20 dollar bills. The Bible had several thousand dollars that would have helped the young man get settled and overcome the difficulties he faced.
Our Bibles may not be filled with money, but there are thousands of other more valuable things that we can learn from the teachi