*Satan can win someone’s heart and soul even if they don’t believe he exists, God can’t.
*God has certain standards that must be met to please Him, Satan doesn’t.
*God has several steps that must be taken by the individual. Satan only needs one step to be
ignored, skipped, or refused. For example:
*We must believe God is and that He rewards those that seek Him. - Hebrews 11:6
*We must believe the Bible is God’s word. - Romans 10:17, Ephesians 6:17
*We must believe Jesus is God’s Son and that He is God. - Acts 16:30-31
*We must believe Jesus rose from the grave. - John 20:9
*We must repent of our sins. - Luke 13:3,5
*We must confess Jesus. - Acts 4:12
*We must obey the gospel / be born again. - John 3:7, Acts 9:6
*We must be faithful(This opens a whole new list.) til death. - Acts 14:22
*We must worship in Spirit and Truth(This is another list). - John 4:24
*The gospel must be shared with others. - Mark 13:10
If there is a break in any one of these Satan wins.
*God requires man to have no other gods, Satan doesn’t care how many as long as it is not God only.
*God requires sacrifice and self-control, Satan doesn’t.