Government doesn’t always do right, in fact, at times we may think that we would be better off without any government at all. We need to remember that God is ultimately in control and the government gets its authority from God. When government goes to far God corrects the situation like he did in the U. S. S. R. a decade or so ago.
In Romans 13, Paul deals extensively with the Christians duty to be subject to the governing authorities. In order to do away with all government and laws we would have to rebel against the existing authority, and that would be rebelling against God as well.
In truth, as Paul says, government should be there to punish the wicked and protect the righteous. It is most unfortunate that we are heading down a path that will eventually lead us to a government that will punish good and glorify evil. We are half way there already. Lest we think that we could then rebel against that government and get rid of it, let us remember that the same government that Paul told the Romans to be in subjection to later put him to death. Despite that turn of events, we have no evidence that Paul’s (God’s) teaching on the subject ever changed.
Anarchism cannot even actually ever exist. Even if all of man’s laws were annihilated, God’s laws will be enforced at the end of time. What is more, if we got rid of the laws we currently live under, there would be a new law; namely, ‘the law of the jungle’ or ‘might makes right’. Even when Government doesn’t do what it should, let us remember: it is ordained of God, and it is in existence to protect us from evil.
There are many who think they have done away with God’s laws by simply ignoring them, but they will be in for a rude awakening in the world to come. Let us be sure that we are not part of that number.